“A Song for Syria” is a dream that puts between covers poetry, fiction, art, songs and interviews of Syrian artistes - voices that have risen over bomb smoke, art that has been dipped in blood, of artistes who were forced to flee their homeland and those who stayed back.
It’s time. Sing with Syria.

Anthology Contributors
Poets: Faraj Bayrakdar, Tareq Aljabr, Hamed Abboud, Emad Al-Ahmad, Tammam H. Hunnaidy and Hussam Eddin Mohammad
Writers: Rateb Shabo, Yousef Wakkas, Mustafa Taj Aldin Almusa and Sanaa Aoun
Art: Hani Abbas, Aziz Asmar, Abu Malek Al-Shami and Kesh Malek Syria
Interviews: Saeed Albatal (Filmmaker), Mohammad Abu Hajar (Rapper), Abu Malek Al-Shami (Graffiti Artist) and Yousef Wakkas (Writer)
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